Saturday’s User Stream Talks


We have two great user talks lined for Saturday.

The first is “Lessons from a year of customer support” by Kristen Symonds (@kristarella), and the second is “Finding Your Online Voice” by Talia Carbis (@taliacarbis).

Lessons from a year of customer support

This talk will cover some things I’ve learned working customer support for These things include:

  • when you need to get in-your-face
  • domains are hard
  • never reply upset
  • kill with kindness
  • when support informs development

Finding Your Online Voice

Whether we’re representing ourselves, our business, or being paid to represent another business, we all have an online “voice”. This voice is one of the most important tools we have to reach our target audience in a meaningful way, and convert our online chattering into tangible results. In this presentation Talia will share with us how to develop our online voice, how to change it to suit our business or blog, and what tools to use to match our online voice.